Holiday Decorating
It’s the Holiday Season!!! Are you ready?! I was slightly blindsided by its’ approach but I am ready to embrace the season. Holiday decorating has always help put me in the spirit but it can be a daunting task and very expensive. I consider myself a frugal person and have a strong distaste for full price items. My sister tells me I need help because I suffer from some sort of shopping bulimia. (Shopping Bulimic- A compulsive shopper who returns items after feeling guilt.) My approach to assisting my shopping bulimia is to incorporate everyday items into my holiday design. This makes me feel slightly better knowing that the items can be used more that once a year.
Finding a great discount
In my opinion anything over 30% is a great discount. I almost never buy holiday décor at full price so I wait as time nears to begin to purchase. Some stores have had Christmas decorations on the shelves since August which is a great marketing tool for some stores because it can cause one to want to change their holiday design for the new season. I was in Hobby Lobby where there was a section of black and gold décor which immediately gave me the thought of Gatsby and the Roaring 20’s. That’s when I decided to do away with my Winter Wonderland theme and buy new decorations. The Winter Wonderland theme was only used once but the creative marketing in the store had worked on me. The marketing plan did not completely get me because I refused to pay full price so I waited until all Christmas decor was 50% off.
For some of you who may want a bigger bang for your buck could wait closer Christmas but you run the risk of missing out on items you really want. Options may really be limited as well. If I really want a particular item, then I’ll bit the bullet and pay full price. Some items aren’t worth the risk of missing out.
Spending less on new decorations
Changing decorations from the year before or just adding new pieces can be costly. I was able to use some items from last year and purchased a few new items newer pieces. I also incorporated some everyday pieces that I currently had in the home. It is easier than some think to decorate for the holidays. It does not take over the top items just a few little pieces mixed with things you currently own and you are on your way to something beautiful . I am an advocate for using everyday items in the home to incorporate into decorations. I definitely like to get the bang for my buck so using an item more than once is ideal.
Picking the right Christmas Tree- Real or Artificial? Pre-lit or Unlit?
Growing up, I never had a real Christmas tree and I don’t have a desire to have one now. I’m not an outdoor person so the smell of the pine is something I really don’t fancy. I remember growing up and having an artificial tree that was frosted with fake snow. We also had tinsel gold garland with balls that were Styrofoam and covered with some sort of colored thread or yarn. If it unraveled, you had to trim or throw away. Great memories but the colors were all over the place.
Last year I purchased a 7ft. pre-lit pencil and luckily it was on sale at Michaels. Pre- lit trees are almost twice as much as unlit trees but it saves you from the stringing of lights and is easy to put up. Unlit trees are way cheaper if you are on a budget but you will have to buy strings of lights. I personally suggest a pre-lit tree because it is so much easier. Unlike real trees, artificial trees can be used for many years to come.
If a real tree is for you then you should be prepared for a lot of care and maintenance. The tree should be clear from any type of heat sources because this causes the tree to dry and become more flammable. The tree will need a lot of water after mounting in its position and you will need to water the tree almost everyday to maintain its vitality. Sap leakage may occur so you will have to check regularly to prevent damage on any surrounding furniture. Pine needles will fall and should be cleaned to prevent any harm to pets or small children. When decorating the tree, you should use LED lights because they emit less heat. Real trees requires proper disposal and does not require storage space unlike artificial trees.
Whether your tree is real or fake; pre-lit or unlit, have fun decorating because this is a representation of your style and preference.
When setting up the dining room table, I used everyday plates and incorporated some holiday items. I am not a formal with entertaining as some think so I like to give the place settings a little funky twist. Please do not think you must have fine china to set the table. It is great if you have china but if you don’t be just as happy. I think being creative with everyday china has less guilt because we are trained not to separated a china set.
White plates are very easy to style on a table because it is easy to incorporate pops of color. Same as clear glassware or glass plate ware. Sprucing up your white plate ware can be done by adding colored chargers (Michael’s typically have a variety of colors at two for $3), flatware, place mats and maybe so holiday floral. Flatware can add an elegant, rustic or modern touch to your tablescape. Mixing different styles of flatware can add a funky eclectic vibe to your table. Create the table that best reflects your theme and personal style. There is nothing wrong with breaking a few place setting rules. Don’t go overboard with the mixing of the pieces, you do want some items to match because you don’t want it to look too kiddie or just a basic hot mess.
Outdoor Decor
Outside decorating is an overwhelming task especially if you are on a block where everyone decorates. There is nothing like crisp white lights lined along the roof of the house and neatly roped around the shrubs. Just neat and simple but then there is Christmas light vomit!!! If you are like me and hate heights, I keep it simple with a nice wreath and lighting in the shrubs. I have my eyes on outdoor Christmas trees that I will have to pay full price for because waiting will cost me to miss out.
When is the appropriate time to decorate for Christmas?
The weekend after Thanksgiving is typically when the Christmas decorating begins to happen. As I’ve gotten older, I realize not everyone goes with that timeline or may not share in that tradition. Some people decorate earlier and some later. For me, the sooner the better because I don’t like waiting last-minute for anything. After a long aggravating day at work, seeing the decorations in the house just lightens my mood. This year, I knew my schedule with my full-time job and starting a brand would limit my time so I actually began decorations the weekend before Thanksgiving. When I returned home from Louisiana after Thanksgiving, I was so happy the tree was up because I had no spare time. Cake baking was my agenda for the remainder of the Thanksgiving weekend.
Remember that the remainder holiday decorations will have a deeper discount after Christmas. You may be surprised as to what you find. Let the creative juices flow and incorporate into next year. Happy Holiday Decorating!!!!