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RSVP (Respondez s'il vous plait): To reply or not reply, that is the question.


The holiday season is approaching with such great speed, so that means holiday events!! How many events will you attend this holiday season? How many of those event's will require an RSVP? My main question is.... To reply or not reply, what is the proper etiquette?

Respondez s'il vous plait is the French expression of the term RSVP. Many are familiar with the terminology but not fully grasp the meanin of the acronym which simply translates to "Please respond/reply". An RSVP deserves a response whether you plan to attend the event or nah (not).

I am no expert on etiquette and I often refer to myself as "a proper southern woman (in Phaedra's voice)" to my friends but I am instantly annoyed when I can't get a response from an invitee. As a host of an event, a RSVP is crucial to the success of the event due to many factors that relies on guest count. When I am hosting an event, my biggest concern is food. Will I have enough? This is a typical concern of any host and that feeling applies when providing alcoholic beverages as well. The objective for any host is to throw a great event. We want an event that will leave the guest talking in a positive way for days to come. Low key, I want to be known as the host who throws a great event with great food.

If your plan is to hire a caterer, you may be required to give a somewhat accurate guest count a few days prior to your event. The caterer typically charges per guest and this help them know how much food to prepare. For some who've never worked in the hospitality industry may not understand that the caterer does not shouw up to an event with a never ending abundance of food. I mean really people?! Even Popeye's will run out of chicken if they do noy order accurately based on the previous week's item sales. The caterer may have anywhere fro a 10%- 20% cushion. That cushion is only for unplanned mishaps which may include a few extra guest who didn't RSVP.

In my opion (Not an Expert), Food/bevergage is the main factor of a RSVP. Just think.... Anytime a host request a RSVP, it is beneficial and respectful to respond your attendance. Weddings, anniversary parties and surprise parties are just a few events that often request a RSVP. I myself request RSVP for all events that I host. If a host has thought to invite you to an event then you may be of some importance to them.

So you have sent your RSVP for the event and you would like to bring a guest but WAIT, there is not a plus one. What should you do? You should contact the host and ask if it is acceptable for you to bring a guest. Please do not show up to an event with extra guest. If you were invited to an event a restaurant, I'm pretty sure your host made a reservation. As a former restaurant manager, it was a huge inconvenience to the restaurant staff that has accounted for the reserved guest only. This will cause your table nearh ost extra stress and fustration with management if the extra guest can't be quickly or easily accommodated. It's not the restaurant's fault and no you may not have that table near the group because that is for the guest whose waited for 45 minutes. You will get accommodated but not at your speed. So next time you receive that RSVP, please be considerate of the host's thoughtfulness and respond. Remember to ask about bringing a guest because any extra may not be in the budget if the host is paying.

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